BunFun Games released a new game called Beat Banger and the version is 2.92. The game’s story is about is a simple NSFW rhythm game created using the Godot Engine. This is BunFan Games’ first-ever released project.
Developer: | BunFun Games |
File Size: | 228.1 MB |
Version: | 2.92 |
OS: | Windows |
Languages: | English |
Game Version Changelog:
v2.893 Patreon (2023-06-11)
- Gale has 2nd tit variation
- All animation’s have been some shade(refined?) on them now
- Sound & Voice effects
- and finally Gale has a climax scene
Beat Banger v0.2.7.2
- Another version of mostly fixes, QoL and UI changes.
- The Pointshop has a shopkeeper now (you can’t “interact” with her yet)
- The first five levels are now known as the first act and I’m sorry to disappoint you all but only a single loop of the Claire level has been fully completed, the rest are still sketches ( it’s still the best level in the game though)
- According to the roadmap, all base levels should be completed next month so look forward to that after a long wait.
In order to use cheats, you need to press “F2” to open up the console and enter one of the following commands:
- ping = Returns “Pong!”
- hello = Returns “Hey!”
- clear = Clears the console window of entries
- history = Returns previously entered text in the form of an array (sorted form most recent to least recent)
- reload = Reloads scene (Highly recommended not to use during level, currently softlocks game)
- handsfree = Automatically activates notes (Also sets “clean_game” to false, resulting in no progress, money, score, etc.)
- nofail = missing notes does not take your hearts away (Does NOT effect “clean_game” stat)
- hidehud = Toggles all hud element visibility
- fail = Forces FAIL event
- end = Skips to end of level (If “handsfree” was used, the command will go back to level select, otherwise it goes to successful level end screen and subsequent cutscene)
- clearsaveonly = Resets save data (Shop purchases, money, level progress)
- clearalldata = Resets all game data (Save Data and Options)
- resetsteam = Resets Steam Stats (No noticeable effect currently)
- opendata = Opens user data directory (The directory your save file and settings are located in)
- logs = Opens beat_banger.log file
- givemoney [int] = Adds [int] to your current money amount (e.g. “givemoney 1500” returns “Gave player $1500” and adds $1500 to total money)
- setstartingbeat [float] = Used before entering a level, offsets starting beat (and subsequent beats) by [float] seconds
- calculatebeat = Honestly, not really sure how to use this command
- rewind -[int] = Reloads level at [int] note. Note: “-” is required before [int] otherwise command leads to softlock
- setnotespeed [float] = Sets speed at which notes appear from off screen [Default value is 350, I don’t really recommend changing this, some values can lead to a softlock
- saveload = Saves game, then loads game
- freecandy = Unlocks all levels (Must use on level select screen [Unlock state gets cleared after leaving screen, to permanently unlock all levels, complete last level and previous levels will be unlocked])
goto [scene_name] = Jumps to [scene_name]
- intro (Jumps to developer splash screen and subsequent “warning” screens)
- warning (Jumps to “Warning” screens)
- mainmenu (Jumps to “Main Menu” screen)
- levelselect (Currently jumps to Act1 level select menu)
- mods (Jumps to “Mods” screen)
- cutscene (Jumps to selected level’s end cutscene)
- game (Jumps to last played character level [Very buggy, no real reason to use this, instead use “loader”] )
- loader (Jumps to selected level load screen, starting level from the beginning without issue)
- gallery (Jumps to “Gallery” screen)
- modifiers (Jumps to “Modifiers” screen)
- scorescreen (Jumps to selected level’s ending score screen)
- soundtest (Jumps to “Sound Test” screen)
- pointshop (Jumps to “Shop” screen)
- extras (Jumps to “Extras” screen)
- credits (Jumps to “Credits” screen)
- demo (Jumps to “Thank you so much a-for-to playing my game” splash screen)
- error (Opens log file in game window)
Game Images & Screenshots